How to Protect Your House During the Monsoon


After going thru months of scorching heat, finally we get to enjoy the the cloudy sky, cool breeze and the splashing rain. But as much as we enjoy sipping a hot coffee indoor watching out the windows while it is raining or snuggling underneath a blanket in the cool weather; the Monsoon brings its own share of issues where we will have to take care of protecting our homes’ interior and exterior against the weather. Let’s see some of the ways to could make your house monsoon ready.

Waterproof Walls
Having a solid dry wall is a must to safeguard against monsoons. Go for waterproof paints to evade dampness and flaking of the walls.

Waterproof Roofs
Roofs take the brunt of the storms. Check for any leaks and attend to those immediately to stop any damages. Check the roofs or terraces thoroughly and protect make sure there no leaks.

Electrical Components

Another risk factor is electrical malfunctions. Exposed sockets or wiring could lead to short circuits and at times a total electrical failure. So ensure that no sockets or wiring is left unchecked.

The Drains
Clogged drains could lead to breading of mosquitoes and other disease carrying germs. Get a plumber to check on all the drains and get them cleaned so there is no blockage.

Keep wet clothes away from wood furniture. Add a new coat of varnish and also do take care of your rugs and carpets by vacuum cleaning. This will eradicate from bacteria getting accumulated and creating nasty odor.

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