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Valampuri Hotel 679

148/10 Railway, Station Rd, Jaffna , Jaffna

14,513 LKR - Per Day








Current Status
: Available Now
Reference Number
: #CP/HO /HO /32520


Introducing a unique Sri Lankan Tamil Cultural concept, The Valampuri Hotel Jaffna is perfect for travelers who simply seek to relax amid traditional hospitality and impeccable service. This 4-star Set on two acres of land abode in Jaffna, The Valampuri Hotel not just boasts uncomplicated beauty, but also features conveniences that deliver This retro boutique hotel is Located adjoining Jaffna Central Railway station, 15 km away from domestic Airport Palali. The hotel has 32 well-furnished rooms with all modern amenities including a flat-screen satellite TV, free Wi-Fi, mini-bar, electric kettle, free toiletries, etc. We take pride in our careful attention to every detail of your stay, with a level of service, amenities, and warmth. We invite you to join the legion of loyal guests who return time and again to enjoy the classic comfort of the Valampuri Hotel..

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Property Features

With Furniture

Brand New

With A/C

Hot Water


Satellite TV

Servant's Quarters

Servant's Washroom

24/7 Security


Swimming Pool

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Posted / edited: 2 years ago

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