How to Get Rid of Household Mold


Household Mold is a huge headache and a disaster if left unattended. Mold can cause health problems and quickly enlarges on whatever it grows. The mold fungi is usually known to float in the air and gets attached to wet surfaces from where it starts to grow and slowly conquer the surface. It is best to clean before it grows to stop further damage.

Some areas they tend to be found and grow on are incorrectly sealed tubs, faulty construction, building spaces that are tightly sealed lacking sufficient ventilation leading to moisture buildup. basements, behind walls that house plumbing, under carpets, around air-conditioning units and windowsills to name a few. Mold gets unnoticed behind wallpapers which is very dangerous.

So sometimes mold could be cleaned or at worst situations the items that are infested need to be thrown away due to the inability to clean the mold off such items such as carpets, wallpaper and ceiling tiles to name a few.

Some simple options to remove mold are the usage of BLEACH, BORAX, VINEGAR, AMMONIA, BAKING SODA, HYDROGEN PEROXIDE and TEA TREE OIL to name some. It is advisable to wear protective gear such as hand gloves, face mask and goggles. Chronic allergy-type health issues or mild odors mean it’s time to take a serious extensive mold treatment.

To keep away mold from your home, always check the interior ventilation, roofing, exterior drainage and plumbing including for any leaks under sinks and in crawl spaces. And use ventilation in a bathroom to eradicate condensation from the shower.






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